While pregnancy is one of life’s greatest adventures, filled with lots of joy and anticipation, it can also come with considerable discomfort.
What Is the Webster Technique?
The Webster Technique is a chiropractic adjustment focused on pelvic balance. It’s a safe, non-invasive method designed to reduce tension in the sacrum, muscles, and ligaments, which can improve mobility and ease discomfort.
According to Dr. Brandon, who is certified in the Webster Technique through the ICPA, it’s safe to adjust moms with this technique at any time during pregnancy. “But let’s just say, from 26 weeks to delivery, we’re working in three steps. We’re trying to balance the sacrum, and then we’re trying to balance the muscle and the ligaments attaching to the sacrum and pelvis. Doing this allows the baby to have a better environment in which to grow, turn, and get into the position that is needed for labor.”
Who Can Benefit?
Whether you’re expecting your first baby or your sixth, the Webster Technique offers valuable support. First-time mothers particularly benefit from the educational aspects of treatment, gaining confidence as they prepare for birth.
Providing Pain Relief and More
As the body changes throughout pregnancy, increased pressure on the pelvis and lower back can lead to discomfort, sciatica, and hip pain. The Webster Technique works with key muscles, such as the piriformis and psoas, which, when tight, contribute to these common pregnancy complaints. By releasing tension in these muscles and ligaments, many moms experience:
- Reduced back and hip pain
- Less sciatic discomfort
- Improved sleep and overall well-being
For women with uncomplicated pregnancies, relief often comes quickly. As Dr. Brandon notes, “A lot of times after one treatment, they notice the decrease in that tension and that soreness that they’re feeling.”
Gentle Approach for Mother and Baby
Unlike traditional chiropractic adjustments, Webster is gentle and does not aim for the audible “crack” that some associate with spinal care. Dr. Brandon uses pregnancy pillows and adaptable benches to ensure mothers can receive care comfortably, regardless of how far along they are in their pregnancy.
Helping Babies Position Naturally
Many moms-to-be under Dr. Brandon’s care report remarkable outcomes with the Webster Technique. “I’ve had three or four moms that were told that their baby was in a breech presentation through most of pregnancy … by week 38-39, their last checks, the babies were all in good position, and they were ready for delivery,” he shares.
Beyond helping with baby positioning by addressing the restrictions within the sacrum and pelvis, mothers consistently report “more comfortability, less sciatic pain, less pubic bone discomfort.” The technique provides peace of mind during a time often filled with uncertainty, helping moms feel more confident and connected to their changing bodies.
Ready to Experience Relief?
Have the comfortable pregnancy you deserve. Contact Lakewinds Chiropractic Center today to book an appointment with Dr. Brandon.
For additional information, explore Pathways to Family Wellness, a valuable resource from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association that provides excellent educational content for expectant mothers.